Met. Longin after the trial: Shame on those going against the Church of God

Metropolitan Longin (Zhar) at the court session on May 21, 2024. Photo: Screenshot from the YouTube channel of the Bancheny Monastery

Another hearing was held in the case of Metropolitan Longin (Zhar) in the Hertsa district court of Chernivtsi region on May 21, 2024. After the session, the bishop addressed the flock that came to support him, stating that during the year of the legal process, he was not even given a chance to speak and defend himself.

Metropolitan Longin said he does not understand why "after the surgery, they've been dragging me along the roads for a year", distracting from important matters.

"A year has passed, but they don't let me speak out. I need to feed 400 children," he noted. "I've saved the state 150 million hryvnias by bearing all the costs for the maintenance of orphan children. What are we guilty of, why have we become enemies of the people?"

The hierarch added that he had faithfully served this state, and the orders he wore at the session are clear evidence of this.

"It is a disgrace to these people that they want to destroy our state of Ukraine and divide our people into white and black. But they will not succeed. We love Ukraine," added the UOC hierarch.

He recommended to the persecutors of the Church of God and its ministers to read the Bible to understand that their attempts are futile.

"It is time for those people who want to mock God, the Church of God, and His ministers to wake up. Read the Bible, and you will find out what will happen to you, to those who hurt the anointed ones of God, the clergy. We will forgive. We love you. But I still ask God to enlighten those people. May there be a Constitution and the rights of every person living in this state (observed – Ed.)," he said.

Metropolitan Longin stressed that nothing can intimidate believers and turn them away from the Lord and His Orthodox Church.

"I am very grateful to all of you. We pray for those metropolitans and clergy that are persecuted today, as well as for our Christians. Let us pray and stand guard over our Orthodox faith," he said. "I am a little tired of all this, but I do not give up. We are strong because God is with us!"

As reported by the UOJ, Metropolitan Longin of Bancheny stated that the examinations had been conducted by the state, proving his innocence.

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