Sviatohirsk Lavra recalls the fruits of Metropolitan Arseniy's work

Metropolitan Arseniy (Yakovenko). Photo: the Sviatohirsk Lavra

On 21 May 2024, the feast day of St Arsenius the Great, the Holy Dormition Sviatohirsk Lavra celebrated the namesday of their abbot, Metropolitan Arseniy (Yakovenko), with a special warmth and traditional solemnity. The Lavra reported that this year, for the first time in 29 years of his abbacy, Metropolitan Arseniy was not present at the services. However, the Lavra’s brethren, skete sisters, and pilgrims prayed fervently for him.

During nearly three decades as abbot, Metropolitan Arseniy has accomplished much for the revival of the Sviatohirsk Lavra and the spiritual development of the Donbas. The monastery’s press service listed some of his achievements:

• restoration and renovation of the Sviatohirsk Lavra, which was almost completely destroyed during Soviet times;

• creation of six sketes and two metochions in Donetsk and Luhansk regions;

• an Increase in the number of residents from 20 to 120;

• provision of humanitarian aid to needy residents of the Donbas;

• opening of Sunday schools, creative clubs, and providing material assistance to local village schools;

• organization of annual Christmas carol festivals and Choir assemblies that gathered participants from all over Ukraine;

• organization of scientific conferences and publication of books on the history of the Sviatohirsk Lavra;

• preaching work that inspired thousands of people.

In particular, in 2014 when war broke out in the Donbas, under Metropolitan Arseniy’s blessing, the Sviatohirsk Lavra opened its doors to affected local residents. Up to 1,000 refugees found shelter within its walls, with some staying completely supported by the Lavra for several years. The monastery fed up to 5,000 people daily and distributed food to refugee centres in Sviatohirsk.

In 2022, when the monastery was subjected to constant shelling, Metropolitan Arseniy set an example for overcoming all trials. The Lavra’s services continued without interruption, and living conditions were arranged for its inhabitants as much as possible. Educational activities were organized for school-age children in the basement, preparing them for the new school year. Once the shelling ceased, classes resumed in the rooms set up in Hotel Building No. 9.

Currently, about 200 people, who lost their homes due to the war, are living in the Lavra, and it continues to provide humanitarian aid to the needy residents of the surrounding areas of Sviatohirsk.

The entire brotherhood of the Sviatohirsk Lavra, the skete sisters, workers, and refugees are praying for their imprisoned abbot.

“Unable to personally congratulate their beloved abbot on his namesday this year, they convey their heartfelt greetings through his lawyers. We wish Metropolitan Arseniy spiritual and physical strength, God’s help in enduring all trials, and a quick return to the Sviatohirsk Lavra, which is dear to his heart,” said representatives of the Lavra.

As earlier reported, the Sviatohirsk Lavra brethren believe that the charges brought against Metropolitan Arseniy by the SBU are fabricated and unfounded.

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