Reserve sells out tickets to Lavra worth 610 UAH timed to Museum Day

Officials are advertising the "Single Ticket" service: one can get to the Upper Lavra for 610 UAH. Photo: The National Reserve on Facebook

The National Reserve "Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra" has announced the sale of a "Unified Ticket" on its Facebook page, allowing access to various cultural establishments within the Kyiv-Pechersk Monastery complex for 610 UAH. The service is being introduced on the occasion of the International Museum Day starting from May 17.

According to the advertisement by the reserve, the unified ticket grants access to the Dormition Cathedral and its exhibition halls, the Refectory Church with the Dormition Chamber, the Church of the Saviour at Berestove, as well as the first and third tiers of the bell tower, along with various exhibitions. However, museum visits within the Lavra complex with this ticket are one-time only.

The cost of the subscription is 610 UAH.

Additionally, the reserve's public relations team has organized a promotion on Facebook with a giveaway of such tickets. To receive an E-ticket for free, participants are required to share the post on their page, tag the National Reserve "Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra" and the museum they wish to visit, and leave a comment with a plus sign.

"The ticket will be raffled on Monday, May 20, at 12:00 among those who meet all the conditions," the organizers stated.

As reported by the UOJ, Karandeev announced that unnecessary constructions in the Lower Lavra would be demolished.

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