UOC hierarch calls to bring flowers to the Tithe Church demolition site

Metropolitan Theodosiy at the site of demolition of the Tithe Church. Photo: Cherkasy Eparchy

Metropolitan Theodosiy of Cherkasy and Kaniv brought flowers to the site of the demolished Tithe Monastery, which was decimated by the authorities, according to the press service of the Cherkasy Eparchy.

Met. Theodosiy stated that as a native of Kyiv, he perceives the actions of the authorities as a tragedy, since an active Orthodox church in the center of Kyiv was demolished. He noted that flowers are being laid where the tragedy occurred.

"I think that today many residents of the capital, Orthodox and non-Orthodox, believers and non-believers, will follow our example. After all, not everyone's conscience has been completely disfigured and memory trampled on...," the metropolitan said.

As the UOJ reported, UOC lawyer Father Nikita Chekman said that the nighttime demolition of the Tithe (Desiatynny) Monastery was illegal because no documents regarding the dismantling of the shrine were included in the Unified Enforcement Proceedings Register.

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