UOC lawyer explains why the demolition of Tithe Monastery was illegal

The authorities demolished Tithe Church. Photo: Myriany

UOC attorney Father Nikita Chekman wrote on his Facebook page that the nighttime demolition of the Tithe (Desiatynny) Monastery was illegal because no documents regarding the dismantling of the shrine were included in the Unified Enforcement Proceedings Register.

The religious community also did not receive any documents regarding this matter.

"In general, the involvement of an economic entity by a state executor was illegal. Because by law, such actions are possible only for an advance payment by the claimant. And even then, if provided for by a court decision. But we see that in our country laws do not apply, and the authorities have decided to commit blatant blasphemy," Chekman said.

In addition, the KozalTv1 Telegram channel published a response from the Central Interregional Department of the Ministry of Justice to the complaint from the attorneys of the Tithe Monastery about the illegal actions of the state executor.

"We ask to objectively and comprehensively verify the facts set out in the appeal, establish the causes and conditions that contributed to the violations, and urgently take measures to eliminate them. In case of recognizing it as unfounded, clarify the procedure for appealing the decision made on it," officials of the department wrote.

At the same time, the response to the results of the verification should be given by May 24, however, the demolition of the church took place without waiting for this verification.

As reported by the UOJ, in Kyiv, on the night of May 17, the police cordoned off the territory of the National Museum of Ukraine, and the Vladimir-Olga Church on the territory of the Tithe Monastery was demolished by bulldozers.

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