Volyn RSA does not extend agreement with UOC on Assumption Cathedral

Holy Assumption Cathedral of the UOC in Volodymyr. Photo: Bug

The Volyn Regional State Administration informed Metropolitan Volodymyr, the rector of the religious community of the Holy Assumption Cathedral of the UOC, that the lease agreement for the free use of the shrine, which expires on July 1 of this year, would not be extended. This was reported by the Volodymyr-Volynskyi Diocese.

"For many years, the cathedral has echoed with the fervent prayers of the faithful of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church. Daily services are held within these walls, vows are taken before God during the sacrament of marriage, baptisms are performed, and soldiers receive blessings for the defense of Ukraine. Here, angels of heroes who sacrificed their lives on the battlefield were welcomed. All these years, we have cared for the church, renovated it, and maintained it as a holy place. So, what is wrong? Why such a decision? What is the reason?" questions the diocese.

In a letter to Metropolitan Volodymyr, officials note that the agreement for the free use of the cathedral by the UOC cannot be extended by mutual agreement. The religious organization of the Volodymyr-Volynskyi Diocese of the UOC is also requested to vacate the cathedral and transfer the property by July of this year. A representative of the religious community is requested to be delegated to the commission that will transfer the cathedral's property.

The diocese stated that the authorities simply want to take away their faith, despite the fact that many UOC parishioners are currently on the front lines or helping the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

"The authorities want to take away our holy place – the cathedral, but they will not take away the most important thing – our Orthodox faith and loyalty to our Church. God is merciful and He will not abandon us! We ask for your sincere prayers!" said the Volodymyr-Volynskyi Diocese of the UOC.

As previously reported by the UOJ, MP Ihor Huz, from the "For the Future" party, announced that he had collected 21 signatures in the Verkhovna Rada to ensure that the state does not extend the agreement for the use of the cathedral by the Volodymyr-Volynskyi Diocese of the UOC.

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