Chernivtsi RMA shows contempt for the fallen warrior due to UOC-led funeral

Bishop Nikita of Ivano-Frankivsk and Kolomyia performs the funeral of the fallen warrior Andriy Dubytsky. Photo: Chernivtsi Diocese

In Chernivtsi, on the Avenue of Glory, UOC clergy performed the funeral service for the fallen soldier of the Ukrainian Armed Forces Andriy Dubytsky. As suggested by the press service of the Chernivtsi Diocese, it was precisely because clerics of the UOC conducted the memorial service that the Chernivtsi Regional Administration decided to "show their contempt for the hero and his feat before the Motherland."

It is reported that officials did not inform the public on their Facebook page that a farewell to the deceased would take place and did not express their condolences, as they had done before.

"Usually on the Facebook page of the Chernivtsi Regional Administration, they post a photo of the fallen hero and inform about the time and place of the burial of the fallen soldiers of our region and express their condolences, for example, they informed about the burial of two soldiers on May 10, two soldiers on May 8, one soldier on May 7, etc.," the message says.

The Chernivtsi Diocese suggested: "Because the heroe of Ukraine was given the last rites on the Avenue of Glory by the clergy of the UOC, the leadership of the Chernivtsi Regional Administration decided to show their contempt for the hero and his feat before the Motherland."

The diocesan press service called on officials of the Chernivtsi Regional Administration to comment on this situation.

The funeral of the warrior Andriy was performed by Bishop Nikita of Ivano-Frankivsk and Kolomyia together with priests of the UOC diocese.

"Eternal memory to the newly departed warrior Andriy! The Chernivtsi-Bukovyna Diocese of the UOC expresses condolences to the family of the hero and asks everyone to pray for the repose of his soul," Bukovynian Orthodox wrote on their Facebook page.

As reported by the UOJ, the hierarch of Jerusalem stated that the persecution of the UOC is an attack on all Orthodoxy.

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