Hierarch of Jerusalem: Persecution of the UOC is an attack on all Orthodoxy

Archbishop Theodosios of Sebastia. Photo: sana.sy

Archbishop Theodosios of Sebastia of the Jerusalem Patriarchate stated that the persecution of the UOC is an attack on all Orthodoxy, as reported by the Greek resource orthodoxianewsagency.gr.

In his Easter greeting to the hierarchs of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, Archbishop Theodosios wrote, "The Resurrection teaches us that good will conquer evil, life will conquer death. And He who rose from the dead to save us and introduce us to the New Testament, gives us hope, especially in difficult times and difficult circumstances."

"We are experiencing a crisis in Gaza and we demand an end to the war in this holy land. You are in Ukraine and you are experiencing a different crisis: your Church is under attack, bishops are being persecuted and imprisoned, there is a risk of liquidation of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, as well as the occupation of ancient churches and monasteries in Ukraine," the hierarch wrote.

According to Archbishop Theodosios, serious human rights violations are at stake, "and those who remain silent in relation to the terrible crimes in Gaza against civilians have not yet shown activity to stop the systematic persecution and attacks affecting the Ukrainian Orthodox Church".

"We are praying for you; we express our solidarity and support. Inspired by Easter, we declare that we will remain children of the Resurrection and light, that we will adhere to our faith and message, and the forces of evil in our world will not be able to defeat the Church," the bishop continued.

"Inspired by Easter, we say that we will remain children of the Resurrection and the light, that we will stick to our faith and our message and the forces of evil in our world will not be able to put an end to the Church," emphasized Archbishop Theodosius, expressing the certainty that the persecution of any Orthodox Church in this world "is the persecution of the entire Church, and the persecution of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church is an attack on the Orthodox Church everywhere."

"We pray that the Lord will deliver you from this injustice, knowing that you are going through difficult times. Be sure that God is with you, He will not leave you. We pray to the Holy Sepulcher, where the light of the Resurrection shines, for strength, consolation, protection from visible and invisible enemies," concluded the hierarch of the Jerusalem Patriarchate.

As earlier reported by the UOJ, according to Archbishop Theodosios, all Churches must stop the crimes against the UOC.

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