Reserve tells what they are doing with seized UOC cathedral of Kremenets

St. Nicholas Cathedral in Kremenets. Photo:

Vasyl Ilchyshyn, the director of the Kremenets-Pochaiv Reserve, said that for the first time in 20 years, they conducted a full tour of the St. Nicholas Cathedral, which was seized from the UOC. The Department of Culture and Tourism of the Ternopil Regional State Administration believes that "unveiling the secrets of this shrine will contribute to the emotional recovery of travelers," as reported by ZAXID.NET.

According to Ilchyshyn, "before the cathedral was leased by representatives of the UOC-MP, this was impossible to do."

"The first route runs through the territory of the Kremenets-Pochaiv State Historical and Architectural Reserve, in particular, to the St. Nicholas Cathedral. For a long time, this monument was in possession of the UOC (MP). Now the temple has returned to the ownership of the state, and inspections are being carried out there. Unveiling the secrets of this shrine will contribute, first of all, to the emotional recovery of travelers," hopes Svitlana Baytaliuk, Director of the Department of Culture and Tourism of the Ternopil Regional State Administration.

As the UOJ wrote, on November 30, 2023, at 6 a.m., the police stormed the St. Nicholas Cathedral of the UOC in Kremenets and forcibly evicted students of the choir school who were living on its territory.

On December 6, supporters of the OCU staged a "religious community meeting" in the cathedral, during which outsiders brought in by buses voted to transfer the temple to the OCU.

Previously, it became known that the Reserve in Kremenets would spend 750,000 on "protecting" the seized UOC cathedral.

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