News of the mirror-world: OCU Synod claims regular takeovers by UOC

Сергей Думенко. Фото:

The OCU Synod stated that the parishioners of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church systematically interfere in the activities of the OCU communities, seize their churches and spread lies about conflicts, reports the official website of this religious structure.

In its statement, the OCU Synod claims that the members of the UOC allegedly exert "systematic pressure" on religious communities that want to join the OCU, and this is manifested in the "seizure of churches, obstructing the use by the OCU communities of their property and the performance of divine services, in informational, legal and power pressure”.

Further, the OCU declares that supporters of the UOC practise "interference of representatives of the minority" of communities, who do not agree with the decision to transfer and also involve outsiders "to prevent the community from using its property".

Also, the OCU Synod repeated Dumenko's earlier manipulative statement about the decision of the Supreme Court of Ukraine in the matter of the legality of the re-registration of the Holy Protection community of the UOC in the village of Sutkivtsi, Khmelnytsky region. Deliberately manipulating the facts (the Supreme Court refused to satisfy the claim of the parishioners of the UOC only because it is the competence of the economic court), the OCU Synod calls this "confirmation of the legality of such a change in the subordination".

In conclusion, the OCU Synod calls on the UOC "to stop this practice (of seizures and pressure – Ed.), to stop inciting religious hatred, to reveal a constructive attitude towards the free expression of the will of believers and to respect it".

As reported, the Legal Department of the UOC caught Dumenko in manipulation.

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