GOC bishop: Pseudo-rights of minorities imposed on us in a totalitarian way

Metropolitan Nektarios. Photo: orthodoxianewsagency.gr

Metropolitan Nektarios of Kerkyra, Paxos, and the Diapontian Islands of the Greek Orthodox Church believes that in the modern world, "pseudo-values" of minorities are imposed on society using totalitarian methods.

In his Easter sermon on May 5, 2024, Metropolitan Nektarios stated that "in a world that is burning and ruining", man is "under the power of carnal reason in all dimensions of life."

He also noted that in Greece at the moment, there is "spiritual indifference, deconstruction of society, violence, and degradation of human nature."

According to Metropolitan Nektarios, "pseudo-rights of minorities are imposed in a totalitarian manner", while values and traditions are being decimated.

However, according to the hierarch, there are no dead-end situations, "only complex situations and dangerous transitions".

"In these words, the entire meaning of everything visible and invisible is expressed," emphasized Metropolitan Nektarios, referring to the four Gospels expressed in four words: "Christ is Risen! Truly, He is risen!"

Earlier, the UOJ reported that according to Metropolitan Nektarios, those who believe that globalization will defeat the Church are mistaken.

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