Amsterdam to Zelensky: "This insane attack on Christ's followers is on you"

Robert Amsterdam. Photo

Robert Amsterdam, head of the international law firm Amsterdam & Partners LLP and attorney for the UOC, commented in his X the Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky's post about the time of war with Russia being a time that unites, a time when it is so important to remain human, to care for each other, and to protect life.

"Now, in this time of Russian aggression against our independence, against life and humanity, everyone sees that this is also a time that unites, a time when it is so important to remain human, to take care of each other, and to protect life. These are the components of our Ukrainian strength that are directed against all the pain and grief that Russia causes.

Everyone who makes efforts to help people strengthens our entire country and our Ukrainian morale. I thank everyone who works for the sake of our people."

"Agree completely!!!" Amsterdam responded. "Stop Bill 8371 and the arrest of innocent priests. This insane attack on Christ’s followers and the jailing of an ailing Metropolitan is on you!!!!!" concluded the human rights activist, likely referring to the recent arrest of the abbot of the Holy Assumption Sviatohirsk Lavra, Metropolitan Arseny, who was remanded in custody for 60 days without the right to bail.

As reported by the UOJ, earlier the American human rights activist stated that he was shocked by the cases against UOC hierarchs.

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