ROC Primate: Church schism in Ukraine is deliberately provoked conflict

Patriarch Kirill. Photo:

On May 16, 2021, the Primate of the Russian Orthodox Church, Patriarch Kirill, said that the church schism in Ukraine is a deliberately provoked conflict, reports the official website of the Russian Orthodox Church.

During a meeting with the episcopate of the Orthodox Church of Moldova, held at the Cathedral of Christ the Savior in Moscow, Patriarch Kirill spoke about the situation in Ukraine.

According to the Patriarch, “the enemy of the human race sowed the seeds of division, including in the body of our Church”, which led to “dire consequences”.

“It is enough to look at the situation in Ukraine: to create artificially such splits, divisions, partitions, to arouse people who often live on the territory of the same parish against one another!” said the Patriarch.

The Primate of the Russian Church also noted that he "receives a weekly report of those violations of the law, the suffering that people are experiencing because of these divisions".

You know, probably, as well as me – it comes to violence, beatings, fighting for churches,” said the Patriarch and stressed that the church schism in Ukraine is a deliberately and artificially provoked conflict.

Earlier, the UOJ wrote that Patriarch Kirill called on Christians to be faithful to the canonical Church.

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