Novinsky on arrest of Met Arseniy on Easter Eve: Govt’s cynicism is glaring

Protodeacon of the UOC Vadym Novinsky at the divine service. Photo: Facebook of Vadim Novinsky

Former MP and UOC Protodeacon Vadim Novinsky called the arrest of the abbot of the Sviatohirsk Lavra, Metropolitan Arseny, a link in the ongoing struggle of the Ukrainian authorities against the canonical Ukrainian Orthodox Church. He wrote about this on his Facebook page.

"We are witnessing the falsification of cases against hierarchs who are most steadfast in their faith and devotion to their Church. At the same time, clergy, laity, Orthodox journalists are persecuted, temples are seized, and there is a campaign of slander and defamation against the UOC in the media. All this is sanctioned by the highest level of power," Vadim Novinsky said.

He believes that the searches in the Lavra and the subsequent imprisonment of the bishop for 60 days are blatant lawlessness.

"Particularly noteworthy is the cynicism of the authorities: they threw the bishop into prison ten days before the greatest holiday – the bright Resurrection of Christ, which all Orthodox Christians eagerly await with hope. And the bishop endured the trial with courage, dignity, and humility," noted the UOC Protodeacon.

Based on the facts underlying the actions of law enforcement against Bishop Arseny, he concludes that the suspicions against him are completely fabricated and the measure of restraint imposed on him is disproportionate.

Novinsky explained that on September 23, 2023, the police did not let pilgrims and volunteers into the Lavra. People who came from afar brought food and other aid to refugees but, after waiting for 7 hours at the checkpoints, they were unable to reach the monastery.

And only seven months later, on April 24, 2024, the Security Service of Ukraine informed Metropolitan Arseny of the suspicion.

"Metropolitan Arseny, the abbot of the Sviatohirsk Lavra, who recently underwent serious surgeries and has chronic health problems, was absolutely ignored by the court. Arrest without the right to bail is a cruel approach to a person who had the courage to stay with his flock during the toughest days of war, did not hide, and did not think of leaving the country or the monastery," Novinsky underscored.

He speculates that arrests of other hierarchs may follow soon. In his opinion, the UOC is currently experiencing a period of persecution and trials similar to what the Church endured a hundred years ago during the Bolshevik era.

"I wish Metropolitan Arseny and all persecuted hierarchs of the UOC, priests, and laity courage, spiritual fortitude, steadfastness in faith, and loyalty to the Ukrainian Orthodox Church. We sincerely pray for you and firmly believe in the triumph of light over darkness and truth over lawlessness," concluded the UOC clergyman.

As reported by the UOJ, UOC Protodeacon Vadim Novinsky links the arrests of employees of online publications "Union of Orthodox Journalists", "Pershy Kozatsky", and the Public Union "Myriany" with the preparation for the adoption of a law banning the UOC.

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