U.S. Senator: Ukrainian Parliament considers destroying the Church

James David Vance. Photo: Screenshot

U.S. Senator from Ohio, Republican James David Vance, discussed the persecution of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church and the authorities' attempt to pass an anti-church law. He posted his statement on the social network X.

He stated that the Verkhovna Rada is currently considering a bill aimed at destroying a significant number of Christian Church communities because of their closeness to Russia.

"Perhaps some churches are closer to Russia, but you don't impose drastic restrictions on a religious community and its religious freedom because some of its members disagree with you about the current conflict," he noted.

Vance stated that if the war leads to the destruction of the Christian community in Ukraine, it will be a disgrace.

"It is our shame that we didn't see this coming. It is our shame for our inaction. It is our shame for refusing to use the billions of dollars we send to Ukraine as leverage to ensure and guarantee religious freedom," concluded the Republican.

As reported previously, Co-Chair of the National Federation of Young Republicans, Katherine Whiteford, called on voters to stand up for Ukrainian Christians.

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