Amsterdam: While UOC soldiers defend Ukraine, their churches are seized

Seizure of the church house of the UOC community in Ladyzhyn. Photo: UOJ collage

Many servicemen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, who are believers of the UOC, may lose the opportunity to pray in their faith due to the adoption of Bill No. 8371. This was stated in an interview with telejournalist Tucker Carlson by the head of the law firm Amsterdam & Partners LLP, Robert Amsterdam.

The UOC lawyer stressed that many of those currently on the front lines are believers of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church.

"Many of the men on the frontline are members of our Church who sit there and watch, day by day, as secret police wearing death masks come and steal their religious home. Imagine how they feel knowing that their parents, their families are losing their places of worship?" Bob Amsterdam asked.

In his opinion, if a new bill 7381, effectively banning the UOC, is passed, they will not even be able to gather to pray.

"Because the churches will be taken away from them, but it may even be a crime for them to meet and pray," he noted.

The human rights defender added that "this unlimited attack on the historical Church is unconscionable."

"I am absolutely heart-broken that American Christians have not taken up this fight," concluded the American lawyer.

As the UOJ reported, Robert Amsterdam stated that the UOC is a patriotic Church, its members are fighting on the frontlines.

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