Macedonia leader on MOC bishops: Not FSB spies but under "Russian influence"

Stevo Pendarovski. Photo:

President of the Republic of Northern Macedonia Stevo Pendarovski raised the church issue ahead of the elections. In an interview on Telma TV, the politician admitted that while he has no evidence of collaboration of hierarchs of the Macedonian Orthodox Church with the FSB, he believes that "at least three hierarchs in the MOC Synod are under Russian influence".

"I am not claiming that there are Russian spies in the MOC Synod or that any of the hierarchs are spies. Russian influence is undoubtedly present. There are people, you know them publicly. One of them has created a television channel that spreads the truth that transmits the all-Russian rhetoric regarding Ukraine, where Russia is undoubtedly an occupying state. It attacked another sovereign state, a member of the United Nations. I don't want to name them, you know them. In the Synod, there are at least three hierarchs, but we have no evidence that they are spies of the Russian federal intelligence," the president said.

Presidential elections will be held in North Macedonia on April 24, 2024, and if a second round is required, it will take place on May 8. The incumbent president, Stevo Pendarovski, is running for the presidency for the second time.

As the UOJ wrote, in early April, a Phanar hierarch stated that the Serbian Orthodox Church granting the Tomos on Autocephaly to the Macedonian Church - Ohrid Archbishopric is a disgrace to the Church. He believes that before talking about autocephaly for the Ohrid Archbishopric, it has to recognize the Orthodox Church of Ukraine.

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