Amsterdam: FSB has no better agents than VR MPs aiming to pass Bill 8371

Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. Photo: Screenshot of the video

"Those seeking to advance Draft Bill 8371 in Ukraine must understand the grave consequences that come with such an egregiously illegal violation of human rights," American lawyer for the UOC Robert Amsterdam wrote in a comment to his video on X.

The international human rights defender dismissed all attempts by lobbyists of the UOC banning bill to accuse those who criticize the draft law of acting in Russia's interests.

"No, sir, we are acting for those who believe in God," he said. "You are acting for Russia because you're dividing the country at a time of war. The FSB has no better agents than those members of the Rada that are attempting to pass this bill."

Amsterdam urged the government and parliament of Ukraine to "take a step back from these heinous acts, which cannot be forgiven, and with respect to which you will be held accountable."

He showed in his video a raider who wore a skull mask during the seizure of the UOC church building in Ladyzhyn.

"Look that death mask in the face and try to convince yourselves that the people wearing those masks and the people bringing to you Bill 8371 represent the Ukraine that you're fighting for. I would say just the opposite. That mask and this bill represent the Ukraine that no one wants a part of," said the head of the international human rights company.

The lawyer also underscored that there is no truth to the idea that the UOC is collaborating with the aggressor state.

"Perhaps 20 of the 10,000 priests of this Church have left for Russia. The idea is that somehow this should lead to the banning of the Church and the use of collective punishment is an obscenity," Robert Amsterdam reiterated.

As the UOJ wrote, Amsterdam emphasized that the ongoing attempts to destroy the UOC in Ukraine are based on the principle of "divide and conquer", which has no place in a democratic society.

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