In Estonia, MIA employees to persuade believers to exit MP

Bishops Sergiy (left) and Daniel of the EOC-MP on their way to a meeting at the Ministry of Internal Affairs on April 16, 2024. Photo: Priit Mürk/ERR

Officials of the Ministry of Internal Affairs plan to hold meetings with the parishes of the Estonian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate (EOC-MP) to persuade them to leave the Moscow Patriarchate, reports.

"We have already held the first meetings and plan to further expand this activity next week," said Vice Chancellor for Population and Civil Society Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Raivo Küüt.

According to him, coordination of the next meetings is currently underway.

Raivo Küüt and Advisor to the Department of Religious Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Ringo Ringvée explained the situation as follows: although the leaders of the EOC-MP have confirmed that they do not directly subordinate to the Moscow Patriarchate and do not support the declarations of the World Russian People's Council, they are still not free from the influence of the Moscow Patriarchate and must obey its orders.

The publication informs that therefore, the Ministry of Internal Affairs suggests that the EOC-MP sever ties with the Moscow Patriarchate and join, for example, the Estonian Apostolic Orthodox Church (EAOC), which is subordinate to the Patriarch of ConstantinopleЮ

According to Küüt, it will be officials who will visit the parishes instead of summoning representatives of the churches to Tallinn. The ministry will try to help the parishes and churches find a solution among themselves and act as an intermediary between them.

Ministry officials also stated that currently there is no activity threatening the security of Estonia on the part of clergy and parishioners of the EOC-MP; however, they fear that it will appear if they remain part of the Moscow Patriarchate.

At the same time, Raivo Küüt assured that the state does not intend to close churches or hinder the work of parishes that are part of the EOC-MP.

As the UOJ wrote, the process of terminating lease agreements with the EOC-MP has started in Tallinn.

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