UOC Primate officiates ordination ceremony of newly elected bishops

The ordination ceremony of newly elected bishops in the monastery at Feofaniya. Photo: news.church.ua

On the evening of April 19, 2024, His Beatitude Metropolitan Onuphry of Kyiv and All Ukraine presided over the ordination ceremony of Archimandrite Alipiy (Tushko) and Archimandrite Kliment (Shmyhelsky), whom the Holy Synod of the UOC elected at its meeting. This was reported by the news.church.ua website.

The ceremony took place at the main cathedral of the St. Pantaleimon Convent in Feofaniya.

Archimandrite Kliment (Shmyhelsky), the abbot of the Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos Desiatynny (Tithe) Monastery in Kyiv, was appointed Bishop of Borova, vicar of the Kyiv Metropolis.

Archimandrite Alipiy (Tushko), the abbot of the St. Nicholas Monastery in Izmail, was appointed Bishop of Tarutyne, vicar of the Odesa Eparchy.

The following hierarchs also participated in the service: Metropolitan Agafangel of Odesa and Izmail, Metropolitan Anthony of Boryspil and Brovary, Metropolitan Clement of Nizhyn and Pryluky; Archbishops Seraphim of Yahotyn, Diodor of Yuzhny, Serhiy of Bolhrad, Sylvester of Bilhorod, Dionysiy of Pereyaslav-Khmelnytsky; Lavr of Irpin, Mark of Borodianka, and clergy.

The episcopal ordination ceremony has been preserved from ancient practice, according to which a candidate for the episcopal rank was elected by clergy and people, and then solemnly announced, after which he consented to the ordination. In modern practice, the ceremony includes the following elements: the newly elected bishop is presented with a decree appointing him to the episcopal see, he expresses his consent, followed by a brief moleben. After the dismissal, the candidate addresses the Primate and bishops with special words, followed by a prayer for many years. In conclusion, the First Hierarch sprinkles the newly elected with holy water and receives the blessing of all the attending bishops.

On this day, His Beatitude Metropolitan Onuphry also led the morning service with the akathist to the Mother of God in Feofaniya.

As reported earlier, biographies of the newly elected bishops were published.

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