Jews demand that UN deliver wine and matzo to hostages in Gaza for Passover

Meir Porush. Photo: Yonatan Sindel/Flash90

Minister for Jerusalem Affairs and Heritage Meir Porush is demanding that the UN ensure the delivery of wine and matzo to Israeli hostages of HAMAS in Gaza so "they can celebrate the holiday of freedom Passover." This was reported by the website

Meir Porush, the leader of the Orthodox movement "Agudat Yisrael", sent a letter to the UN envoy for the Middle East, Norwegian diplomat Tor Wennesland, demanding the organization arrange the delivery of wine and matzo to Israeli captives.

"We hope they will be released in the remaining days before Passover, but if God forbid, this does not happen, we demand that wine and matzo be brought to them so that people can at least symbolically celebrate the Passover holiday. We hope this will lift the spirits of the hostages and give them the strength to endure their difficult situation until their release," Meir Porush writes.

The Minister of Traditions and Jerusalem calls this a basic humanitarian demand and reminds that meeting these demands is one of the most important parts of his mission as the coordinator of UN humanitarian actions in the region.

The letter states that UN representatives "must deliver packages with wine and matzo to 133 hostages by Monday evening," when the entire Jewish nation sits down for the first Passover Seder.

Passover is a Jewish holiday commemorating the exodus from Egypt, one of the three pilgrimage festivals. It begins in the evening of the 14th day of Nisan (this year on April 22), celebrated for seven days in Israel and eight days outside of Israel.

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