KDA student wins Ukrainian Powerlifting Championship in three categories

A student of Kyiv Theological Schools won the Ukrainian Powerlifting Championship. Photo: KDAIS

Dmytro Oleksiyovets, a second-year student of the Master's program of Kyiv Theological Academy, took the first places in powerlifting and individual exercises. The Championship of Ukraine, organized by the "Powerlifting Committee of Ukraine", was held in Kyiv from 13 to 14 April 2024. According to the KDAiS website, more than 250 participants from Ukraine took part in it.

"This tournament is held in order to develop and popularize powerlifting and its individual exercises, as well as attracting young people to systematic physical education and sports and healthy lifestyle, the formation of national teams to participate in international competitions, setting records of Ukraine, Europe and the world, as well as qualifying for international contests," stated the message.

Dmytro Oleksiyovets represented Kyiv Theological Schools in the competition with the blessing of Rector Archbishop Sylvester of Bilohorodka.

The student won the first place in the following categories:

  1. in the sum of triathlon (classic powerlifting), he collected 585 kg in the weight category up to 90 kg;
  2. in the sum of two-rounds (press + pull), he collected 360 kg in the weight category up to 90 kg;
  3. in the barbell pulling exercise, he pulled a barbell weighing 250 kg in the weight category up to 90 kg.

"Kyiv Theological Schools sincerely congratulate the winner and wish God's help, further successful performances and victories!" wrote in the press service of the educational institution.

As the KDAiS reported, two students were tonsured into monasticism in Kyiv Theological Schools.

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