Facts of beatings of UOC clergy and laity to be submitted to UN CAT

Metropolitan Theodosiy and Robert Amsterdam. Photo: cherkasy.church.ua

On April 12, 2024, Metropolitan Theodosiy of Cherkasy and Kaniv and the head of the law firm Amsterdam & Partners LLP, Robert Amsterdam, held a telephone conversation discussing issues of international legal protection for believers of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, as reported by the press service of the Cherkasy Eparchy.

Robert Amsterdam discussed the upcoming plans of lawyers from Amsterdam & Partners LLP to submit a package of materials with evidence of beatings and abuses against clergy, monks, and laity of the UOC to the Committee Against Torture at the United Nations.

"The persecution of believers of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church has become a sensitive issue for many people of goodwill in the United States, eliciting a genuine response and interest from independent investigators and journalists who want to know more and inform their citizens about the truth of persecutions against believers in the 21st century in the heart of Europe. For example, Tucker Carlson, a well-known conservative journalist and political commentator, is in regular contact with Robert Amsterdam, constantly inquiring about the situation of the UOC in Ukraine," the words of the international lawyer were conveyed by the Cherkasy Eparchy.

As reported by the UOJ, American journalist Tucker Carlson stated that the Ukrainian authorities are busy incarcerating Orthodox priests and nuns.

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