Deputy demands inspection of valuables at Holy Assumption Cathedral

Deputy Andriy Bokoch. Photo: Bug

Deputy Andriy Bokoch of the Volyn Regional State Administration demands an immediate inventory at the Holy Assumption Cathedral of the Volodymyr-Volyn Diocese of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, reports "Bug".

Bokoch believes that it is urgently necessary to document all property and valuables located in the Holy Assumption Cathedral, as the agreement for the use of the UOC temple complex expires in 2.5 months.

"When was the last time you inspected the cathedral? Do you have a list of artifacts located there? As a deputy, I will submit a request to provide me with it. Because, according to my information, very few things are documented that are currently in the Assumption Cathedral. Because it may turn out that on July 1, when we drive out Moscow priests, they will take everything with them," Andriy Bokoch noted.

The deputy also wants to conduct similar inspections at the Nyzkynychi and Zymnensky monasteries. To do this, he proposes to invite not only specialists but also local activists: according to Bokoch, then the inspection of the shrines will be objective and impartial.

As reported by the UOJ, in March 2024, during an extraordinary session of the Volyn Regional Council, Deputy Andriy Bokoch demanded the immediate expulsion of UOC believers from the Assumption Cathedral in Volodymyr.

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