In Bronnyky, UOC community agrees with OCU on alternating church services

In the Church of the Intercession in Bronnyky. Photo: Dozor_kozak1

The community of the Intercession Church of the UOC in the village of Bronnyky, Rivne Oblast, reached an agreement with representatives of the OCU on alternating services in their church, according to the Rivne Eparchy of the UOC.

During negotiations, which took place in the presence of the "Dialogue" police, the parties decided to meet on April 15 and create a schedule for alternating services in the shrine.

As reported by the Dozor_kozak1, representatives of the OCU broke into the Intercession Church of the UOC in the village of Bronnyky, Rivne Oblast. A group of clerics from Dumenko's structure and their supporters refused the parishioners' proposal to settle the dispute peacefully. Despite provocations, believers continued to pray in their church, and eventually the conflict was resolved.

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