Let’s talk on bestiality: LGBT activists give a lesson in Australian school

A lesson on sexual education. Photo: lifesitenews-com

A scandal erupted at Renmark School in South Australia after an LGBT activist from the organization Headspace delivered a presentation on sexuality for 13-14 year old girls, during which she allegedly asserted that bestiality was “accepted by the LGBTQIA+ community,” Lifesite publication reports. The parents of the students were not informed about this lesson, did not know the content of the conversation, and did not give their consent to it.

It is reported that the children were told to leave their regular classes to listen to a third-party's presentation, with no teachers present during the lesson. The girls admitted that few understood the terms interspersed in the activist's speech. The students were also shocked when the presenter, while discussing gender diversity and sex, referenced her own sexual preferences. In the presentation, the students were then given an explanation of the initialism LGBTQIA+, with each word and its meaning displayed on the screen.

“There was a slide for what the ‘plus’ means, and they just started randomly saying words that no-one knew, like bestiality,” said 14-year-old Emelia. “It was on the board when they were showing what the ‘plus’ meant.”

“Bestiality was then explained in detail and the presenter seemed to imply it was something practiced by people who identified as LGBTQIA+.” As one student noted: “They said [the queer community] just accepts all of it, even though… isn’t it illegal?” At this point, several girls began to make excuses to leave the classroom, pretending they had to use the bathroom – many did not return.

The school promised that it would conduct an internal investigation and assured that it would not allow third parties to access students without parental consent. Headspace organization stated that their lessons aimed to help children with non-traditional sexual orientations.

As reported by the UOJ, earlier, the Educational Ombudsman of Ukraine, Serhiy Horbachev, stated that sexual education should be part of the educational program in Ukraine.

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