Right now OCU raiders trying to seize UOC Intercession Church in Bronnyky

The Holy Protection Church of the UOC in the village of Bronnyky. Photo: wikipedia.org

In the village of Bronnyky in Rivne region, activists of the OCU are trying to seize the ancient Holy Protection Church of the UOC. As writes the Telegram channel Dozor_kozak1, according to reports from the scene, the raiders came with falsified documents on the church and demand from the parishioners and the rector Archpriest Borys Vakulin to give them the keys.

The police are present at the site, but take no action.

In February 2024, activists of Dumenko's structure organized an illegal meeting of the territorial community in the local club, where they voted "in favor of the transition to the OCU".

Journalists note that, "unfortunately, the local Protestant community was actively involved for this crime." According to information from the scene, together with the raiders from the OCU and this time came a representative of the local Protestant community and a future pastor. He confesses that he has nothing to do with the Orthodox community.

The sanctuary of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church in the village of Bronnyky is an old church, which is almost 100 years old. The shrine was built according to the project of the outstanding Ukrainian architect S. Tymoshenko. In 2016 it was granted the status of an architectural monument of local importance. The NGO "Institute of Ukrainian Modernism" distinguished the rector of the church, Archpriest Borys Vakulin, for preserving the architectural authenticity of the church.

The UOJ is following the developments.

As the UOJ wrote earlier, in Brovary, a scandalous deputy is trying to transiton the UOC church of St. Demetrius of Thessaloniki into the OCU.

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