RCC priest burns to death during Easter service in Spain

RCC priest Javier Sánchez. Photo: Mirror

On April 9, at a convent in the city of Zaragoza, Spain, Catholic priest Javier Sánchez's vestments caught fire during an Easter candle-lighting vigil, resulting in fatal burns. He spent four days in intensive care before tragically passing away from multiple organ failure, according to the Mirror.

Investigation revealed that a spark from the ember bowl fell onto his vestments, and the blaze spread rapidly. The priest suffered 50% burns all over his body. Investigators believe that paraffin had been used to help the ember bowl burn.

Javier Sánchez has been hailed a hero for apparently protecting a group of nuns and managing to shield them from the flames, when embers lit up in the basin.

As reported by the UOJ, during Easter Mass presided over by Pope Francis, a large icon of Christ fell from the altar, located in the square in front of St. Peter's Basilica in the Vatican.

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