Herashchenko: Ban on UOC may affect Republicans' position in the U.S.

Photo: Julio Cortez / AP

One of the reasons why the issue of bill No. 8371, aimed at banning the UOC, "remains unresolved" is the benchmark of the Ukrainian government in terms of the negative reaction of conservative Republicans in the United States. This is the opinion of the MP of the European Solidarity party Iryna Herashchenko, as reported by Telegraf.

According to Herashchenko, "in the opinion of the deputies, the ban on the UOC may affect the position of Republicans, who pay a lot of attention to conservative values."

Such concerns do not sit well with the MP, and she suggests sending delegations to the US who would "talk about the atrocities of the Russians" in the occupied territories. However, Herashchenko does not specify how this relates to the issue of banning the UOC.

Earlier, the UOJ wrote about what would happen if the Verkhovna Rada was to ban the UOC.

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