Cardinal Müller to Carlson: "Without Christianity, the West is nothing"

Cardinal Müller and Tucker Carlson. Photo:

Cardinal Gerhard Müller, former Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, in an interview with Tucker Carlson, stated that the West without Christianity is nothing.

Tucker Carlson asked Müller how, in his opinion, the West would look in 100 years. The Roman Catholic Cardinal responded that he cannot predict the future, but he stated that a better future is only possible "with a renewal of a Christian understanding, which is our culture."

"Without Christianity, the West is nothing; it is only a territory, but without culture, without spirit, without an identity," he said.

"Therefore, it’s very important to look to the roots of our culture, the Greek philosophy, the Roman [law]… together [with] the Old and New Testament, Christian, and Jewish, a great tradition. In spite of the differences we have, the basis for this Western culture is the same," Müller stated.

Müller emphasized that thanks to Christ, everyone "has the hope that the bad things, the suffering, the death, and the injustice of the rich and powerful against the poor and the normal people will not be the last word."

Instead, “In Jesus Christ, we have the last word of God, and he is our savior,” added the Cardinal.

Earlier, the UOJ reported that in Cardinal Müller's opinion, today Christ would be condemned for His teachings on marriage and family.

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