Ukrainian woman performs a weird dance in Evangelical church of Germany

Ukrainian dancer in an Evangelical church. Photo: Twitter printscreen

In Germany, at the Evangelical City Church of Wuppertal-Elberfeld, Ukrainian dancer Tatiana Znamerovska performed a strange dance, which was broadcasted on a German television channel on Good Friday, according to Apollo news.

It is reported that the church service was opened by Senior Church Counselor Martin Engels and Pastor Simona Pris. Then Engels called the Ukrainian dancer and announced her performance: "Many believers ask themselves: 'What does my Good Friday look like? What is it like?' Often 'words are simply not enough'." The pastor continued and explained that the Ukrainian expresses herself through dance. "And people recognize themselves in their dance. They recognize themselves in their emotions, in their thoughts."

After that, Znamerovska took the stage and began her dance: she stretched, contorted, abruptly moved chairs, threw herself on the floor, and rolled on the floor. Then the dancer scattered white powder around and abruptly left. Believers and television viewers did not receive any explanation for the weird dance.

As reported by the UOJ, earlier the Synod of the Evangelical Church in Central Germany admitted guilt in fomenting antisemitism.

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