Average life expectancy in Ukraine decreases

Demographics in Ukraine. Photo: top.today.ua

The Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine has published a draft strategy for the country's demographic development until 2040, according to the department's website.

The draft outlines the demographic challenges and threats to Ukraine's development, notably the rapid population decline due to mortality rates exceeding birth rates, labor migration becoming permanent, the annexation of Crimea and parts of Donetsk and Luhansk regions, and the ongoing war with Russia. The Ministry provides expected demographic indicators for the country.

It is noted that the average life expectancy in Ukraine has decreased. For men, it dropped from 66.4 years to 57.3 years, and for women, from 76.2 years to 70.9 years.

This decline in life expectancy is associated with "mass employment in harmful and hazardous conditions, road accidents, alcohol abuse, psychoactive substances and smoking, insufficient public awareness of healthy lifestyle skills, low availability and quality of medical care in rural areas, low living standards, and increased poverty levels."

The document also reports that the current population in the territories controlled by Ukraine is 31.5 million people.

The birth rate has fallen to 1 from 1.2 in 2020 (in 2012, it was 1.5).

As reported by the UOJ, Metropolitan Neophytos of Morphou previously stated that the world government aims to reduce the global population to create a worldwide dictatorship and a single religion.

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