Hierarch of Polish Orthodox Church congratulates UOC on Easter

Archbishop Abel of Lublin and Chełm of the Polish Orthodox Church. Photo: screenshot of the video from the YouTube channel of the UOC

Archbishop Abel of Lublin and Chełm of the Polish Orthodox Church has sent Easter greetings to the Primate of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, His Beatitude Metropolitan Onuphry, the episcopate and believers of the UOC, the Information and Education Department of the UOC reports.

In his congratulations, the Polish hierarch noted that the year 2021 was a year of problems, both personal and for the entire Orthodox Church. “This year 2021 we are facing a lot of personal issues as well as problems that are provoking for our Church. But remember these are our suffering,” said Archbishop Abel.

The Polish hierarch congratulated in particular the settlers from Chełm, who live in Ukraine and are members of the canonical Ukrainian Orthodox Church, on Easter. “I congratulate you all, and first of all those immigrants from their native Chełm region, who live in large numbers on the Ukrainian land today and are members of the canonical Ukrainian Orthodox Church,” said the bishop of the Polish Orthodox Church. Christ is Risen! Truly He is Risen!"

As the UOJ reported, the hierarch of the Cyprus Church congratulated the UOC saying that the Church of Cyprus is sharing the holiday with the canonical Ukrainian Church.

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