Amsterdam: Bill 8371 – an attempt to retroactively justify UOC persecution

American defender of the UOC Robert Amsterdam. Photo:

The head of the international human rights company Amsterdam & Partners LLP, the lawyer of the UOC Robert Amsterdam wrote another letter to the MPs of the Verkhovna Rada Committee for Humanitarian and Information Policy, which was published by the Left Bank resource.

The lawyer said that he read with interest the minutes of the Committee's meeting and does not intend to apologise for his statements, as they did not contain threats to the deputies but only a promise to bring to justice all institutions of power that are involved against the UOC. Amsterdam describes this behaviour towards the UOC as "what can only be described as a predatory conspiracy to violently and shamefully destroy the UOC in ways that are even worse than what happened in recent periods of the Soviet Union's history".

The American lawyer wrote to the MPs that threats of criminal prosecution and sanctions are a reflex reaction of the Ukrainian authorities against anyone who opposes their lawless behaviour. And he noted that his comments were not made out of thin air, as the UN, the Anglican Church, Forum 18 had condemned Law 8371.

He noted that the bill is nothing but an attempt to retroactively legitimise "the criminal behaviour of the SBU and the continued persecution of the religious institution by your government".

I ask you again to refer Bill #8371 to the Venice Commission. The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine has repeatedly taken such steps. Such a decision may be the last resort to prevent this tragic violation of the rule of law and freedom of religion," the Amsterdam lawyer concluded.

As reported by the UOJ, Metropolitan Theodosiy and Robert Amsterdam discussed a plan to defend Orthodox journalists at the UN.

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