Research: Due to low birth rates, humanity will be extinct by 22nd century

A demographic catastrophe awaits mankind. Photo:

In a report published by the journal "The Lancet", it is stated that by 2040, birth rates will significantly decline in all regions outside of Africa, and by 2075, humanity will be on the brink of extinction.

Scientists have published a graph showing that the "total fertility rate", which needs to be at least 2.1 units to maintain population levels, is rapidly declining, and by the end of the century, researchers believe "humanity will become extinct."

However, the data provided does not include the United States or Europe, where birth rates have halved since 1980.

Moreover, by 2075, birth rates will drop to critical levels in countries south of the Sahara in Africa.

The only country bucking this trend is Israel, with a stable birth rate of 2.9 units.

Earlier, the UOJ reported on the precarious demographic and economic situation in Ukraine, according to data from the Institute.

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