EU wants to put 'right to abortion' in Charter of Fundamental Human Rights

In the European Union, there is a push to include the "right to abortion" in the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union. Photo: mauzacrb

Members of the European Parliament intend to introduce the "right to abortion" into the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, reports.

According to Danish representative Karen Melchior, "the decision about one's own body is a fundamental right: there cannot be equality if women cannot do this (abortion – Ed.); it is impossible without the right to abortion."

This initiative arose after French parliamentarians introduced the "right to abortion" into the country's Constitution.

However, according to experts, the inclusion of the "right to abortion" in the EU Charter of Human Rights looks to have weak prospects because such countries as Poland, Malta and Hungary are unlikely to agree.

Earlier, the UOJ reported that France enshrined the right to abortion in its Constitution.

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