Synod of Romanian Church: A home or temple without an icon is like a desert

Believers with icons in their hands. Photo: orthodoxianewsagency

The Holy Synod of the Romanian Orthodox Church, in its message on the Feast of Orthodoxy, reminded that "an Orthodox home or church without an icon is like a desert."

The Synodal message states that "icons are windows to eternity through which our soul rises and spiritually grows," and a temple or home without icons "resembles a desert, a desolate place without God."

Reflecting on the victory of Orthodox faith over the heresy of iconoclasm, the Holy Synod recalled that "the struggle was great and heavy, but enlightened hierarchs and fathers emerged each time, guided by the Holy Spirit, who fought against erroneous teachings and affirmed the correct faith" at the Holy Ecumenical Councils.

"Therefore, let us preserve the treasure of faith inherited from our ancestors because Orthodoxy is a living connection of man with Christ, leading us to eternal life," the Synod's message emphasizes.

Earlier, the UOJ reported that the Romanian Patriarchate established the "Romanian Orthodox Church of Ukraine".

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