Met. Theodosiy urges UN to more vigorously defend believers’ rights

Metropolitan Theodosiy speaking at the UN. Photo: screenshot from the UN YouTube channel.

On March 20, 2024, Metropolitan Theodosiy (Snigirev) of Cherkasy and Kaniv of the UOC spoke at the UN at the meeting "General Debates on Situations Requiring the Attention of the UN Human Rights Council", according to NGO Public Advocacy.

The hierarch of the UOC spoke about physical violence against UOC believers, the seizure of temples and lawsuits by the authorities, and the seizure of land plots on which churches stand.

"As the ruling hierarch of one of the UOC dioceses, I am subject to criminal prosecution by the Ukrainian authorities for opposing violations of the rights of believers, for expressing my religious beliefs and theological position. Criminal cases have been initiated against several other metropolitans of our denomination, one of whom, aged 75, was sentenced to 5 years in prison simply for speaking the truth in his sermons," noted Metropolitan Theodosiy.

He said that the UN special rapporteurs had sent three messages to Ukraine, but all of them were ignored by the authorities.

"The lawlessness of the Ukrainian authorities must be halted. I urge the international community to be more vigorous in defending justice and human rights in Ukraine," he said.

As the UOJ reported, the head of the human rights organization NGO Public Advocacy, Oleg Denisov, stated that he had informed representatives of UN member states about the situation of UOC hierarchs, who are human rights defenders in line of their activities, and about their criminal persecution.

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