Greek hierarch: Today the Church and Orthodox faith are facing persecution

Metropolitan Eusebios of Samos. Photo:

Metropolitan Eusebios of Samos of the Greek Orthodox Church believes that today the Orthodox faith and the Church are undergoing persecution, according to

Metropolitan Eusebios, commenting on the blasphemous poster featuring a pregnant woman on a cross in LGBT colors, promoting the film "Wandering Bodies" by director Elina Psikou, stated that this image "defiles our entire faith".

"What a great shame! Both because of the blasphemous image and because all healthy protests encounter the so-called freedom of speech and expression, and the impossibility of censoring art, while the law on insulting divine and religious symbols remains unenforceable," the hierarch exclaimed.

According to him, the situation demonstrates "a fierce polemic against everything Christian and Orthodox, so our time becomes a time of confessing our Orthodox faith."

The hierarch called on believers to "activate our spiritual struggle and strive to preserve unity with Christ through the mysterious life of the Church, using all opportunities for preparation and frequent participation in the Holy Mysteries of Christ."

"The Orthodox Church now seems to be undergoing persecution, and our sacred and holy things are shamelessly defiled," he emphasized.

Earlier, the UOJ reported that, according to Metropolitan Seraphim of Piraeus, the Devil needs churches full of "rotten Christians".

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