In Lviv region, a city will be renamed after UGCC leader

Metropolitan of the UGCC Andriy Sheptytsky. Photo: Public domain

On March 20, the Committee of the Verkhovna Rada on the organization of state power, local self-government, regional development, and urban planning approved the renaming of the city of Chervonohrad in the Lviv region to Sheptytsky, in honor of Metropolitan of the UGCC Andriy Sheptytsky. This was reported on his Facebook page by MP Roman Lozynsky.

Changes to the city's name must be made by the Verkhovna Rada after a vote by the members of parliament.

It will be reminded that the Israeli National Holocaust and Heroism Memorial turned down the appeal of representatives of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church of November 17, 2019 to recognize Metropolitan Andriy Sheptytsky as “the Righteous among the Nations”.

As reported by the UOJ, earlier President Volodymyr Zelensky, in a conversation with Pope Francis, stated that the Ukrainian people expect the beatification of Metropolitan Sheptytsky, who led the UGCC from 1901 to 1944.

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