Amsterdam: UOC is demanded to get Russian Church to amend its Сharter

Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra. Photo:

Robert Amsterdam, the head of the international human rights company Amsterdam & Partners LLP, who is a lawyer for the UOC, stated that the bill 8371 being prepared for adoption in the second reading is draconian. He reported this to the publication. 

Robert Amsterdam explained that the issue concerns amendments that were adopted before voting for this legislative initiative in the second reading. The authors of the bill demand that the Ukrainian Orthodox Church require the ROC to make changes to its charter regarding it. In the lawyer's opinion, this is beyond the capabilities of the UOC, as the Church has no leverage to influence the ROC, and the deputies who are approving this amendment to the bill are aware of this.

As the UOJ reported, the American defender of the UOC explained which norms of international law the bill 8371 contradicts and suggested sending it for examination to the Venice Commission.

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