The Vatican calls on Muslims worldwide to condemn war as a phenomenon

Cairo's Imam Ahmad al-Tayeb and Pope Francis. Photo:

Prefect of the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development, Cardinal Miguel Ángel Ayuso Guixot, addressed Muslims around the world urging them to condemn war as a phenomenon.

In a letter addressed to "Muslim brothers and sisters" on the occasion of the beginning of Ramadan, Cardinal Guixot called on Muslims to "clearly condemn wars".

"Rejection of war must be evident because every war is fratricidal, useless, senseless, and grim. Everyone loses in war," wrote the cardinal.

He reminded Muslims that "in all religions, human life is considered worthy of respect and protection. Therefore, war should be rejected, and peace respected."

"Let peace be both a divine gift and the fruit of human efforts," wrote the head of the Vatican's Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development, urging followers of Islam to together extinguish "fires of hatred, violence, and war" and instead light "the trembling candle of peace."

Earlier, it was reported that in Uganda, a Muslim killed his mother for converting to Christianity.

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