Lawyer: Fr Sergiy Chertylin is illegaly held in SBU detention center

A cell in the SBU detention centre in Askoldov Lane. Photo:

On 14 March 2024, the lawyer Archpriest Nikita Chekman said on his Telegram channel that Archpriest Sergiy Chertylin was taken to the temporary detention center of the SBU, and not to the pre-trial detention centre as they were obliged to do after the court decision. He regards this as a possible attempt to put pressure on the priest.

Archpriest Nikita said that the lawyers are trying to get to their client to learn about his condition.

"The defence is trying to get information on what grounds he is still being held in the isolation ward. According to the procedure, after the court decision, arrested persons should be kept in the pre-trial detention center," he said.

According to the priest, SBU officers often issue groundless orders to hold prisoners, motivating their actions by the fact that the suspect's life or health is in danger.

"We find it illegal. In such conditions, it is easier for SBU employees to put pressure on detained suspects," emphasized Fr Nikita.

He said that the defence lawyers will clarify all the circumstances and in case of violation of the rights of Fr Sergiy to file complaints against the illegal actions of the SBU employeers.

As reported, MP Artem Dmytruk said that Father Sergiy's arrest was an attempt to intimidate UOC believers.

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