Artem Dmytruk: Fr Sergiy's arrest is an attempt to intimidate UOC believers

MP Artem Dmytruk. Photo:

MP Artem Dmytruk on his Telegram channel commented on the detention of Archpriest Sergiy Chertylin of the UOC and called the charges brought against him "a complete misunderstanding".

"The priest of the UOC, Fr. Sergiy Chertylin, was sent by the court to the pre-trial detention center for 2 months without the right to bail. I watched the broadcast of the meeting but never understood what exactly he is suspected of. I’m speechless because everything that today the Prosecutor said in court is a complete misunderstanding!" wrote the MP.

Artem Dmytruk said that he knows the priest personally.

"This man lived in the occupation for about six months. And at the same time he prayed in his native temple for Ukraine, in the Ukrainian language, when Russian military were nearby," he said. “What state treason? Do you know how much money he raised in support of the AFU? Fr. Sergiy sent tens, hundreds of thousands, for the needs of our defenders!"

He emphasized that the Prosecutor did not cite a single fact and evidence confirming the work of the bishop for the enemy.

In his opinion, the arrest of Fr. Sergiy can only be explained as an attempt to "intimidate the believers of the UOC and force them to renounce their Church".

"How many more people should go to jail for their faith so that you stop bullying the Ukrainian people? What are you doing!!!" Dmytruk questioned those who persecute believers and priests of the UOC.

As reported, MP Artem Dmytruk said that he would appeal to international human rights activists regarding the arrests of UOJ journalists.

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