SBU and Prosecutor's Office refer to OCU as an "attribute of statehood"

Attorney for Archpriest Nikita Chekman in court. Photo: Screenshot of the court hearing video

Attorney Archpriest Nikita Chekman revealed information from the accusation against one of the Orthodox journalists and human rights activists, Archpriest Serhiy Chertilin, who was detained on March 12. According to the prosecution, the OCU is considered an "attribute of statehood". He stated this in the Solomyanka court, where on March 14, the measure of restraint is being considered for Father Serhiy.

The defender reminded the court that Ukraine is a secular state and, according to the Constitution, the Church in it is separated from the state. In turn, all "attributes of statehood" are listed in the country's main document in article 20.

He also emphasized that only 4 out of 15 Local Churches recognized the OCU.

The lawyer asked the court whether it would be considered an encroachment on the territorial integrity of Ukraine when the Jerusalem Church denies the representative of the OCU access to the Holy Fire.

"When there is justified criticism of illegal and unlawful actions of representatives of a specific organization – the OCU – in this case, immediately there are 'signs of a crime' and 'undermining national security'," Father Nikita summarized.

As reported by the UOJ, on March 14, 2024, in the Solomyanka District Court of Kyiv, the investigator of the SBU is considering a motion for the imposition of a preventive measure for one of the Orthodox journalists and human rights activists, Archpriest Sergey Chertilin, detained on March 12.

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