Metropolitan Luke comments on the arrest of UOJ journalists

Metropolitan Luke (Kovalenko). Photo: press service of Zaporizhzhia Diocese

The ruling hierarch of the Zaporizhzhia Diocese, Metropolitan Luke, commented on the arrest of employees of the "Union of Orthodox Journalists" in his Telegram channel and stated, "He who fears the Truth and fights against it is an accomplice of the devil."

The hierarch of the UOC noted that the thirst for truth is what unites a person with God.

"The sense of truth is universal, it overcomes any divisions. It is not limited by faith, nationality, or political beliefs. It is something given to us as one of the properties of the image of God," he wrote.

The bishop emphasized that one who has nothing to be ashamed of, whose conscience is clear, will never fight against the truth. And one whom it burns will hate it with every fiber of their soul.

"Not by chance did the Savior in His preaching pay so much attention to the Truth. 'But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you' (Matt. 6:33), 'Let it be so now; it is proper for us to do this to fulfill all righteousness' (Matt. 3:15), 'Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled' (Matt. 5:6). But most importantly, Christ promised the Kingdom of God to those who will be persecuted for the sake of Truth: 'Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness' sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven' (Matt. 5:10). This is the straight path to salvation," Metropolitan Luke wrote.

As reported, on March 12, 2024, the Security Service of Ukraine conducted mass searches in the offices and residences of Ukrainian journalists and human rights activists. The searches affected employees of the online publications "Union of Orthodox Journalists" and "First Cossack", the Public Union "Myriany", and the human rights initiative Legal Defense Center. Journalists, including former employees, human rights activists, and administrative staff, were charged with various degrees of crimes, including those punishable by life imprisonment, in particular state treason and the creation of an organized criminal group.

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