Dmytruk: UOJ journalists face life imprisonment, no freedom of speech

MP of Ukraine Artem Dmytruk. Photo:

Ukrainian MP Artem Dmytruk commented on the arrest of the employees of the Union of Orthodox Journalists in his Telegram channel, calling the charges against them absurd.

"These absolutely absurd, fabricated, and falsified criminal cases against journalists once again confirm that there is no freedom of speech in Ukraine. Journalists who covered the illegal seizures of UOC churches, systematic attacks on UOC believers, and lawlessness against millions of Ukrainians are facing LIFE IMPRISONMENT. Just think about it!" the MP wrote.

He noted that these journalist arrests are practically not covered in the media, suggesting that the persecutors of the Church want to keep this fact not only from being known in Ukraine but also in the US and Europe.

"We must not remain silent but speak out about those who have defended our Church and faith for many years. Today they need our support. Today we need to talk about them and fear nothing," Dmytruk wrote.

He listed a range of international human rights organizations to which he has addressed regarding this "outrageous case", calling on them to condemn the attacks on journalists and human rights activists committed to the canonical Ukrainian Orthodox Church.

As reported by the Union of Orthodox Journalists, on March 12, 2024, the Security Service of Ukraine conducted mass searches in the workplaces and residential premises of Ukrainian journalists and human rights activists.

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