Hierarch of UOC tells how His Beatitude Onuphry is treated on Mount Athos

His Beatitude Onuphry on Mount Athos. Photo: church.ua

The abbot of the Holy Trinity Ionian Monastery in Kyiv, Archbishop Iona (Cherepanov), said that on Mount Athos His Beatitude Metropolitan Onuphry is considered to be the most spiritually experienced and prudent man in all of Orthodoxy.

The hierarch of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church shared this on his Facebook page.

“Yesterday the abbot of one of the Athos monasteries called me to find out the opinion of our Beatitude on one issue. At the end of the conversation, he was moved and said that Metropolitan Onuphry is considered the most spiritually experienced and prudent man in all of Orthodoxy on the Holy Mountain,” the abbot of the Ionian Monastery wrote.

In comments under the post, Facebook users agreed with the words of the Athonite abbot. Svetlana Shulzhenko wrote, "If God gave our Church such a spiritual leader as Metropolitan Onuphry, then He is not yet completely angry with us, and our country has a future."

As previously reported by the UOJ, Athos had decided if to accept pilgrims for Easter.

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