Novinsky: Arrests of Orthodox journalists have to do with law on the UOC

Vadym Novinsky, former MP and protodeacon of the UOC. Photo: Facebook page of Vadym Novinsky

Former MP and protodeacon of the UOC Vadym Novinsky links the arrests of employees of the online publications "Union of Orthodox Journalists" and "First Cossack" with the preparation for the adoption of the law banning the UOC, he wrote on Facebook.

"In connection with what is happening, I will send relevant statements to international organizations monitoring the situation regarding human rights, freedom of speech, and freedom of religion," Novinsky wrote.

He believes that the arrest of UOJ journalists is related to the coverage of the activities of American UOC lawyer Robert Amsterdam.

"The falsehood and groundlessness of the accusations are obvious. They had no cooperation with the FSB. In fact, a scheme from Stalin's times is being implemented, according to which people were accused of absolutely absurd actions – working for foreign intelligence services, preparing mass terrorist acts, etc. As a result, honest people were declared 'enemies of the people'. Nothing has changed in 90 years. In fact, we are dealing with repression against those who have different views, and who dared to stand up for the canonical Ukrainian Orthodox Church," the former MP said.

As reported by the UOJ, on March 12, 2024, employees of the Security Service of Ukraine conducted mass searches in the workplaces and residential premises of Ukrainian journalists and human rights activists. Searches affected employees of online publications "Union of Orthodox Journalists" and "First Cossack", the Public Union "Myriany", and the human rights initiative Legal Defense Center.

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