UOC hierarch urges to protect children from propaganda of LGBT ideology

Bishop Victor (Kotsaba). Photo: life.znaj.ua

Vicar of the Kyiv Metropolis, Bishop Victor (Kotsaba) of Baryshevka commented in an interview with the Pravoslavie.ru website  on the appearance in the children's libraries of Ukraine of the book "Princess + Princess: Happily Ever After" about the relationship of two women and explained the position of the Church on this issue.

“The attitude of the Church towards such phenomena can only be negative. As for the position of the Church on this issue, it is based on several arguments of both religious and secular nature in general,” said the head of the Representation of the UOC to European International Organizations. “The Bible clearly tells us that same-sex relationships are an abomination before God, for fornicators, homosexuals, sodomites will not inherit the Kingdom of God (1 Cor. 6: 9). LGBT ideology does not have even the slightest hint of justification in the Holy Scriptures and cannot find a place in the consciousness of an Orthodox person."

Vladyka noted that however, there is talk in Europe about the blessing of "same-sex unions" by the Churches, and in some countries, advocates of gender politics have managed to reformat the consciousness of even believers.

“Therefore, we already need to raise the alarm not only in order to protect the teachings of the Church, but, most importantly, in order to protect our children from the harmful influence of LGBT ideology. It can be affirmed that our future largely depends on how much we manage to withstand and win this struggle,” Bishop Victor emphasized and recalled that it is their parents who must first of all stop the imposition of LGBT ideology on children.

“I will say more – if the parents were not silent, did not show their indifference, then there would be no such dominance of LGBT propaganda in schools. Moreover, at the public level, we are simply obliged to take some steps to resist the spread and popularization of this pernicious abbreviation LGBT, which is almost becoming an underlying factor on the agenda,” said Vladyka.

Earlier, the Odessa Regional Council supported the removal of LGBT books about two princesses from children's and school libraries and also advocated the popularization of traditional values.

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